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Workers’ Retreat 2021

Messages from our annual workers’ retreat. They are messages that are sure to inspire consecration in the service of the Lord. ‘Counting the cost’ is a call to the minister of the Gospel to fully understand what it takes to serve Jesus and go all the way without looking back. To make full proof of his ministry, there are things the minister of the Gospel must always keep in mind, the message ‘Things to remember in your service to the Lord’ reminds the believer what serving supernaturally, honour, giving amongst others looks like. ‘The ethics of Christian service’ emphasizes the place of order in the local church and it’s role in keeping the believer and the local church sane. Finally, ‘Lessons from Daniel’ is a consecration classic – it draws lessons from the life of Daniel, particularly lessons of consecration and faithfulness.

This teachings will greatly bless you.

Counting the cost

Things to remember in my service to the Lord

Ethics of Christian Service

Lessons from Daniel

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