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Studying the Book of Galatians – (Part 2)

The second part of an exhaustive study on the book of Galatians. It emphasizes Paul’s stance against reliance on the law for salvation; appraising faith in Christ alone as the basis for salvation. Thus, it examines true circumcision which is of the heart as opposed to the physical circumcision that the churches in Galatia tried to observe in order to be righteous, driving its implications to other requirements of the law.


This teaching clearly explains such concepts as faith and law as it delves into the different contexts in which they are used and how to properly identify which is which for proper biblical interpretation. Much more, this teaching appraises Paul’s mandate and how that forms the basis for his epistles.


Again, it is a teaching on Paul’s apologia, a defense of the gospel of grace and against false teachers as explained in Paul’s letter to the Galatian church and from the Old Testament with which Paul must have initially taught the church.


It will greatly bless your understanding of the book of Galatians.

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