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Studying the Book of Galatians – Part 3 (The fruit of the Spirit)

The third part of an intensive study on the book of Galatians. This part focuses on the fruit of the Spirit as taught in Galatians 5. It examines the theology of fruits and trees right from the Old Testament, and how they signify men and their actions. More so, this part thoroughly explains how these fruits are a direct result of God’s grace as seen in salvation. Thus, the gospel/the Spirit becomes the seed through which these fruits are produced. It goes on to examine each fruit of the Spirit: Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, and goodness.

This part is sure to keep the believer’s heart steadied on what he has and can do by the Spirit of God. It will surely bless your Christian walk.

Track 1

Track 2

Track 3

Track 4

Track 5

Track 6

Track 7

Track 8

Track 9

Track 10

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