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My faith and my money

This teaching puts in proper perspective how the believer ought to handle money in relation to his faith. It draws lessons from Jesus’ parable of the unjust steward in Luke 16, explaining that the Christian must be a good financial steward. As the teaching reveals, Jesus’ parable shows that how the believer handles money reveals to a large extent how much value he places on what God is doing.

It encourages the believer to be generous and liberal; much more, he ought to put his treasure where his heart is. It cautions the believer not to give God in order to get something in return but in obedience to God’s Spirit. It also draws significant lessons from the Philippian church who were under great persecution yet greatly partnered with what God was doing by giving of their material things; the same with the Macedonian church who gave much despite their abject poverty. This teaching emphasizes that the motive behind the believer’s giving is more important than the gift, as also seen in Jesus’ recount of the widow who gave the little she had yet it was much to God. It encourages the believer to use his money for what God is doing and shows who/what the believer should give to.

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