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Dialect of the prophets (Series 5)

The dialect of the prophets is quite an expansive series that explores the words of the Old Testament prophets in light of Christ. This particular series sheds light on what constitutes proper bible study. It studies the use of intelligent interpretative questions as the basis for unraveling biblical truths – these questions, as revealed in the track, must stem from proper bible reading. Much more, this series explains the ‘Jesus of Nazareth’ and how that connotes the rejection Christ received from his own. It traces how the prophets embodied the ‘nazareth’ experience in their words and actions, and how we as believers are also identified in the ‘nazareth’ experience through the rejections, despising & persecutions we receive and will receive from men.

Again, this teaching is proper bible theology. It will help you understand how to properly read your bible and ask the right questions, particularly as regards interpreting the Old testament writings.

Track 1

Track 2

Track 3

Track 4

Track 5

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