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Dialect of the prophets (Series 4)

The dialect of the prophets is quite an expansive series that explores the words of the Old Testament prophets in light of Christ. This particular series emphasizes the lordship of Jesus over all the prophets and how his teachings carry greater weight. Like in previous series, much separation between light and darkness is done as a proper appraisal of the old testament writings distinguishes what God does from what the devil does.

This series also answers some perplexing questions that may arise from reading through Job’s experience. Similarly, it explores the use of language by Moses and its implications for us as students of the bible. For instance, how Moses uses ‘death’. Such questions like does God kill? or does God destroy with fire? What exactly does God kill/destroy? Or what does God’s fire consume? What exactly should be put to death?

This series will help your understanding of the Old testament as it reveals God’s inspiration amidst the writings of the prophets.

Track 1

Track 2

Track 3

Track 4

Track 5

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